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What are Satiurn's pipelines


Use Satiurn's pipelines to organize all your customer and their works

Satiurn's pipelines are extremely useful for your business to understand how your work is going. This section, helps you and your collaborators to predict which could be the possible income for the next months. Here is how it works:

  1. Create a new work pipeline, a container of all your current and future works.
  2. Add a new deal to your pipeline and set a value and a probability for it. You can also assign your collaborators to interact with it.
  3. You can also calculate the actual value based on the probability of success of the deal.

As we have discovered earlier, there are many ways to use Satiurn to enhance your business. It can help you keep track of your team’s progress, manage budgets, and stay on top of your projects. Try Satiurn for 14 days free.

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